A big hello from Hollie

Hello and welcome to my very first blog! 

It's been almost 3 weeks since we launched the website, so I thought now was the perfect time to put together a few words... so put your feet up, grab a cuppa & have a little read. 

If you've been keeping up to date with our socials for a little while now... actually if not where have you been... head over to our Facebook / Instagram for lots of wax melting goodness @thehappymeltco , you won't regret it! 

So, if you have been following us on socials for a while, you will know that we launched the website back on the 26th Feb & what a godsend it has been. Prior to this, I was handling taking orders over message on my social media channels, and as business picked up it was becoming a much larger task to handle any onsales, particularly over our first crazily busy festive period. 
Since launching the website we have had our Mother's Day Gift Boxes which went down an absolute treat, followed by our Wax Melt Burner Launch last Friday. It was a great success & we had a couple of designs sell out extremely quickly. 
Today (17th March) at 6pm we will be restocking the gorgeous Cheetah & Dalmatian print burners on our site, so be sure to get in there quickly if you'd like one as I anticipate they will be popular again! 

Looking forward, now the site is up & running I would love to use more time to experiment with new products, new scents & to continue to fill your home with gorgeous fragrance! 

As ever, thank you so much for your support which is allowing me to live my dream! 

Speak soon & happy melting! 

Hollie X 


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